IT Direct Seasonal Collection 2012

Ráda bych vám představila zase nějaké panenky od Integrity Toys, teda, budou to jen promo fotky.

Integrity si pro své W Club členy připravili řadu Seasonal Essential, kde se každá panenka vztahuje k jednomu ročnímu období a tudíž nese i jeho jméno. Panenky byly představovány postupně, jak šel čas a měnila se roční období a byly vyráběny jako Basic, takže bez doplňků, pouze v šatičkách, s botama a stojánkem. Byly vyrobeny v poměrně malých edicích - 250 ks jedno roční období a byly pro ně použity tváře, které už Integrity nepoužívá. Další zajímavostí je, že se o koupi panenky losovalo. Ten, kdo měl o panenku zájem, se musel přihlásit do loterie a v případě, že byl vybrán, dostal právo si panenku koupit. No a protože byla odhalena poslední, Zimní panenka, rozhodla jsem se připravit článek, kde budou všechny panenky najednou......

Všechny fotečky jsou promofotky Integrity Toys, taktéž anglický text, který je nad fotkami.

Spring is already knocking at our door, so why not celebrate its long awaited return with a little pizzazz? Introducing "Spring", the first in a sleek series of four basic IT Direct dolls inspired by the colors of the four seasons!

Designed with collectors in mind, "Spring" features a fully articulated Dynamite Girl body, fully rooted hair that is set in a silky soft, simple hairstyle, applied lashes and a totally swank cocktail dress with matching shoes and earrings. These new dolls will come in clear plastic acetate packaging without stands.

Spring is just asking to strike a pose in front of your camera!

Seasonal Essential Dressed Doll
IT Direct Exclusive
Limited Edition of 250 Dolls Worldwide
Estimated Delivery Date: Week of March 19th, 2012

While we are all looking forward to the arrival of the longest day of the year officially announcing those hot summer days ahead, here's part two of our ongoing series of exciting lottery opportunities just for our W Club members. Read on and don't miss out!

It's high time for a little "joie de vivre" and carefree summer daze! Introducing "Summer", the second in a sleek series of four basic IT Direct dolls inspired by the colors of the four seasons!

Designed with collectors in mind, "Summer" features a fully articulated body, a silky, soft, simple hairstyle and a totally swank cocktail dress with matching shoes, just asking to strike a pose in front of your camera!

Each doll in this lovely and simple basic series will be perfect to redress and play with. These girls will make a nice addition to your collection or a great gift for someone you love!

But wait..that's not all! Two more of these popular beauties are left to be unveiled before the end of the year. For now, the next two dolls in the collection will remain hidden! Can you guess what shade the other seasons of 2012 will come in? Stay tuned and collect them all!

Seasonal Essential Dressed Doll
IT Direct Exclusive
Limited Edition of 250 Dolls
Estimated Delivery Date: Week of June 11th, 2012

Even though this summer seems like it will never end (not that we are complaining or anything like that!), Fall is here and so is our next installment in the IT Direct Seasonal Essential series of dolls!

Vacation is over and everyone is either back to school or back to work. So, let's do this in style! Introducing "Fall", the third installment in a sleek series of four basic IT Direct dolls inspired by the colors of the four seasons!

Designed with collectors in mind, "Fall" features a fully articulated body, a silky soft simple bubble gum pink hairstyle and a dramatic black cocktail dress with matching shoes. This girl is just asking to strike a pose in front of your camera! Each doll in this lovely and simple basic series will be perfect to redress and to play with. All of these girls will make a fabulous addition to your collection or a great gift for someone you love!

Wait, that's not all! There is only one more of these gorgeous beauties left to be unveiled before the end of the year... But for now, the doll that will complete this set remains hidden until late November, just before the frost of winter truly sets in! Can you guess what shade the final season of 2012 will come in? Stay tuned and collect them all!

Seasonal Essential Dressed Doll
IT Direct Exclusive
Limited Edition of 250 Dolls
Estimated Delivery Date: Week of September 12th, 2012

As the light grows dim, as the frost sets in, with her flawless little white dress and cool white hair, Winter is a kind soul ready to come join her sisters and complete the 2012 Seasonal Collection!

Introducing the final doll in the IT Direct Seasonal Collection: Winter! If you've already purchased the other three beauties, here's your chance to complete the entire collection!

Seasonal Essential Dressed Doll
IT Direct Exclusive
Limited Edition of 250 Dolls
Estimated Delivery Date: Week of December 10th, 2012

Jednu z těchto panenek mám a protože ji mám stále v krabičce nevybalenou, tak jsem ji ani nikdy nefotila. Teda, jednou jsem ji měla na MMB a protože ji nikdo nechtěl, tak u mě zůstává a třeba ji dostanu k svátku na Mikuláše. :-D


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